So many people tell me the have put on weight because they just don't have time. Always rushing around and just don't have time to prepare a meal. So they end up just grabbing something quick and convenient.
You know what, I am busy too. I have a nutrition business I am building. I have two kids that not only am I their mother, I am also their dishwasher, clothes washer, teacher and taxi driver. Sometimes I literally have 5 minutes to grab something, eat it, and go!
So today I had no time to cook lunch, just finished typing up an article and had to rush out the door to go and collect my son. So I grabbed something quick and here it is:
A salad with chopped red cabbage, a tin of sardines in tomato sauce sprinkled with some chilli flakes. It took me literally 1 minute to throw it together. It fact the longest part was opening the salad bag as it was a little tough. And you know what.... it's lush!!
So what I'm trying to say, we're all busy doing something. The key is how you stock your cupboards and fridge. If you don't stock them up with crisps, chocolate etc, then you can't eat them. Simple. Stock them up with quick food like smoked fish like salmon which is ready to eat, salads, fruit, tins of fish etc. Things that you can literally just throw on a plate and eat for lunch or even snack on if you're craving a little afternoon snack.
So the key to a Healthy Kitchen is to stock it with healthy food. Shop sensible. Stop buying rubbish.