Going for a run today? Personally I tend to lift weights and tone but, I seem to have a lot of runners on my books at the moment. And some just ask for some general tips and what can help you through your run. Want to know what I tell them?
Firstly, let me introduce you to what I call my 'Power drink'. I recommend this to all my sports nutrition clients. I swear it is the best thing ever.
Grab a blender, throw in some frozen red berries, like cherries, blueberries etc. You can buy a frozen berry mix from your supermarket. Add half a banana, and some freshly squeezed orange juice. And blend!
This baby will keep you going for a long long time. Or if you are feeling drained or just finished exercise this will get your feeling like you can get up and get on with your day that's for sure. And the best bit... it's lush! Sometimes I also add a scoop of vanilla ice cream too. OMG it's heavenly!
So what else can I tell you.... Here are some helpful tips to get you through!
If you’re running an easy-paced 3 to 4 miles (or less): To be honest for this distance you do not NEED a meal beforehand. There is enough glycogen (the body’s most readily accessible form of energy) in your muscles to power you through. But I would advise drinking 6-8 ounces of water and/or a low-calorie sports drink before you go. If you are new to running maybe add in a banana as well.
If you are running 4 miles plus: Also add in 50 to 60 grams of complex carbs, like porridge and a banana about 2 hours before you start your run. Not only will this fuel you for the entire run, it will keep you fuller for longer so you will not hear your tummy growling at you while you’re running.
Long Distance running: Have a high carb meal the night before. Complex carbs such as brown rice or pasta is an ideal meal with of course a portion of lean protein such as chicken or turkey along with your vegetables. Try to avoid having your evening meal too late in the evening. Eat a good 3 hours before you plan to go to bed to let your food digest. Then on the morning of your run, eat 60 grams of complex carbs and a banana like mentioned before.
During your run, make sure you are taking on water. More so if it is hot or humid. However if you are running over 4 miles, you should be bringing along a sports drink with carbs and electrolytes to help you maintain pace and delay muscle fatigue.
Your muscles will be fatigued. So now you need to load up on the complex carbs again to help you and your muscles recover. Aim for a meal with a 3-to-1 ratio of carbs to protein. A good suggestion would be a banana, oat and red-berry smoothie (similar to above but add in some oats too) with some peanut butter on brown bread. Or if your run was in the evening, maybe a red-berry smoothie. Although you might feel like it, don't stuff yourself with a huge meal straight away. I might upset your tummy. Give it an hour or so.
Watch this space for some nutritious recipes that will help you through your workouts. If at any time you would like to arrange a Nutrition consultation with me, contact me here: http://www.nutritrim.net/
Bye for now!