OK so most diets (by the way I don't believe in diets) say to cut down on carbs! Don't eat carbs! Carbs are evil! Carbs make you fat! But I don't know about you, but when I cut carbs completely I have zero energy.... nada. Nothing. Forget exercising..... that's out the window! Even just normal body function seems to fail for me....
So is it worth cutting carbs completely?
Well to be honest yes if I eat a lot of carbs I have what I call a 'carb belly'. A large bloated, looks like I'm in the early stages of pregnancy belly basically. So cutting carbs will be of benefit for sure! But cutting them completely and there is no chance of having the energy to do the 50 squats you had planned to do that afternoon let alone the 50 push ups and 3 x 1min planks. Forget it! So what I do is have carbs in the morning only. I do this so I can have energy for the day, do my chores, exercise and work without passing out at my desk or while drinking a cup of tea. By the time the carbs from the morning starts wearing off, it's the evening and it's time to wind down anyway.
I'm not saying load up on carbs in the morning. Just keep it simple with some overnight oats, porridge, that kind of thing! That way your getting carbs, getting an energy boost AND oats don't bloat you too much like some carb foods like pasta or rice. So you won't be offered a seat on the tube because people are mistaking your 'carb tummy' for the pregnant bump
So basically, it's all about balance. Have carbs but have them in the morning. Don't overload on them. Have the right carbs and keep it simple.